Please click on the links to view/download our policies.
Inspiring Learners Memorandum of Understanding and Articles of Association
Trust Register of Business Interests November 2024
Trustee Register of Attendance 2019-20
Trustee Register of Attendance 2020-21
Trustee Register of Attendance 2021-22
Trustee Register of Attendance 2022-23
Trust Policies
General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulations came into force from 25 May 2018 and changes the way data is handled.
At Inspiring Learners, we respect the privacy of individuals within our care; our pupils, parents/carers, staff and partners. We are fully aware of the requirements of GDPR and are working within compliance. The following documents explain how we collect, store and use personal data.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding how we look after your personal information, please contact the Headteacher/Head of School in the first instance or the Head of Trust via any of the methods detailed on our Contact Page.
Data Protection
All employees, volunteers and governors of Inspiring Learners Multi Academy Trust place the safeguarding of children and young people in paramount importance.
As part of our approach to ensuring that strong, effective governance is in place, we have a named Trustee for Safeguarding (Chris Brindley) and a Named Governor at each school.
Inspiring Learners Trust ensures that both schools:
- have a designated professional lead for safeguarding.
- have in place safeguarding arrangements which are designed to take account of all possible safeguarding issues .
- adhere to safe recruitment practices.
- have arrangements for working together with other agencies and for sharing information with other professionals.
- have in place effective child protection and staff behaviour policies.
- develop a culture of listening to children and take account of their wishes and feelings.
- provide appropriate supervision and support for staff including undertaking safeguarding induction and training.
- have clear whistleblowing procedures.
- consider how children may be taught about safeguarding, including online, through teaching and learning opportunities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
- appoint a designated teacher to promote the educational achievement of children who are looked after and ensure that staff have the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to keeping looked after children safe.
- put in place appropriate safeguarding responses to children who go missing from education.
- fulfil all of their statutory responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
We also:
- Monitor the quality of safeguarding practices and their impact on outcomes for children across the Trust and provide regular reports to the Chief Executive and the Trust Board.
- Work closely with each school to ensure that the performance of vulnerable children is effectively monitored and that appropriate support is made available to those children who are at risk of achieving poor outcomes.
- Report on the outcomes of vulnerable children who are in need, including those subject to Child Protection plans or who are Looked After.
- Liaise with local authority lead professionals for safeguarding, LSCBs, Ofsted, ESFA and other agencies as required.
- Produce an annual Safeguarding action plan as part of the Trust's Strategic Plan.
- Our named Trustee for Safeguarding works through the Trust Board and the Executive Headteacher to ensure that Local Governing Body link governors for safeguarding are working effectively with each of our schools.
- Designated Safeguarding Leads to ensure all of our children and young people are safeguarded from harm and abuse, and that where concerns arise these are dealt with swiftly and professionally.
Below is the model for how we quality assure safeguarding practice in both schools, within our Trust.
Tyntesfield Supplementary Funding Agreement
Inspiring Learners Funding Agreement
Bollin Supplemental Funding Agreement
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statatement 2018
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statement 2018-19
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statement 2019-20
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statement 2020-21
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statement 2021-22
Inspiring Learners Trust Financial Statement 2022-23