We want schools in our Trust who share our passion, who believe in our mission & values and are excited by our educational vision.
Strong Trust Identity
We know the importance of each school being a school for their local community. At Inspiring Learners we actively encourage each school’s individual identity to shine whilst fostering a collective sense of identify within our Trust.
School Identity
Strong, positive, professional relationships are at the heart of our Trust. We know the value and importance of relationships in fostering a culture of trust, we want everyone to feel valued, have a voice and feel they belong.
At Inspiring learners we are all learners. Across the Trust we're continually fostering opportunities to grow our learning community: cross-school projects, research and development, sharing practice, professional development opportunities for all staff and leaders...
Learning Community
We love working together and have seen the huge benefits when we do. There are so many ways we collaborate across our Trust and are always seeking more. Our recent Trust Reading Project has exemplified the HUGE benefits of working together across our schools, leading to blossoming reading cultures, raised standards of reading and a full-time librarian in each school.
We are passionate about fostering a culture of inclusion and are continually driving forward our inclusive practice. We are excited to be implementing our recently developed and ever evolving Educational Disadvantage Strategy, based on reading, research and reflection and are absolutely committed to ‘closing the gap’ and enabling every child to achieve.
Inclusive Culture
We never stand still. We are continually reflecting upon, discussing and evaluating what we do. Whether that be our curriculum, pupil achievement, SEND provision, outdoor learning, safeguarding culture, financial management, governance, leadership, intervention … we never stop striving to achieve excellence in all aspects of our work.
High Expectations
Every headteacher has a voice, actively contributing to shaping the development of our Trust. As a Trust we work so closely and collaboratively with our school leaders: we share, we listen, we discuss, we problem solve, we vision and we shape together.
Headteacher Voice
Our amazing board of trustees are passionate about the ethos of our Trust and committed to enabling each school to achieve the very best outcomes for every child. Strong and effective governance is a key feature of our Trust and is achieved through our Trust Governance Model, underpinned by investment in trustee/governor development resulting in robust Trust governance supported and enabled by active and effective local governance.
Strong Governance
We are excited by the opportunities afforded to further improve our educational provision through use of digital technology, embracing current research, engaging in our own research projects…
Innovative Practice
We love reading!! Reading is ‘front and centre’ across our Trust as we recognise that reading is the master skill of school and the foundation for academic achievement. Our school libraries are vibrant hubs where reading cultures are deeply embedded and our children are enabled to become life-long readers.
Our Mission
& Values

Our Mission...

We want everyone within Inspiring Learners to be passionate about their role and be passionate about learning. Everyone in our Trust is a learner! We want people to want to be part of our Trust. We are not here to tick boxes and achieve compliance (as important as that is) but we want to inspire everyone in our Trust community to strive for excellence in everything that they do. It is our role as a Trust to nurture, support, challenge and to foster an culture and environment where everyone flourishes and we achieve excellence in every aspect of our provision from curriculum to SEND provision, from outdoor learning to Reading.

Trust Values
We want everyone to be ambitious for the children, for the Trust and for themselves. We want to achieve a standard of excellence in all areas of our provision and work and we are restless and will not stop as we continually strive to achieve this ambition.

We want to foster and grow a true learning community across our Trust where highly effective collaboration further develops and improves our practice which in turn has amazing benefits for the children. We believe that ‘together we achieve more’ and we believe that schools in our Trust achieve so much because they are in our Trust and because of all the ways we work together, share practice, learn from each other, challenge each other, support each other and risk take together. We also personalise all that we do, each school has its own individual identity that we encourage and foster.
Care and kindness are also qualities that are embedded within the values at each school and these are an integral part of our collaborative approach. Pupil and staff wellbeing are so important to us and the ethos of care and kindness ripples through all levels of our Trust and are reciprocated between staff and leaders, and leaders and staff. Every leader, every staff member demonstrates high levels of care for the children, parents and each other.

Innovati n
We are always moving forwards, we never stand still. We are on a continual learning journey and actively seek to learn from our own practice within the Trust and from the very best practice beyond our Trust. We actively seek to be innovative, creative and pioneering new ideas. Research is increasingly becoming part of our practice as we continually question the norm and question our own practice. We have created an environment where everyone can and does flourish.
Kathryn Manion Head of School, Tyntesfield Primary
As our mission states, children are at the heart of everything that we do. This is what drives us. This is our moral purpose and this is why we do what we do and why our Trust exists. Integrity in everything that we do means that there is genuine trust and honesty throughout our organisation. We are authentic in what we say and what we do - children genuinely are at the heart of everything that we do. Integrity is at the core of our HOW. Our structure, policies and procedures ensure there is trust, clarity, transparency and accountability at all levels.